Warehouse 13 2x09 Vendetta

Artie has family?!?!

Probably too early in the show for HG to really be responsible, but I still don’t trust her.

Anybody watching “Covert Affairs”? It’s not bad!

But she’s so trustworthy… :eek:

I was iffy at first, but I’m really enjoying it now.

oh no! what’s up with Todd?

I watched a bunch of episodes on the 'net and I’ve talked the hubs into watching it tonight!

I kind of love that croquet ball!

Scary croquet ball - cool!

It broke the camera! LOL :smiley:

fun way to solve the croquet problem :slight_smile:

poor artie… though I wonder if he abandoned them in Moscow? He didn’t want them to come…

no! cute geek Todd is too good to be true. I quite like that she’s ready to go to town on him, though :wink:

OK, WTF? What’s with Todd?

Witness protection? Or a bad guy?

aaand the son. not a surprise

LOL these two are hilarious

I was right! Witsec!

nice call!

Well done! I never saw that coming.

“you really are a techy after all” and kiss.

i love this :slight_smile: