Warehouse 13 2x05 13.1

I wonder what fiendish plot H.G. Wells is working on right now?

Makes you wonder.

Congrats SyFy, you’ve discovered the fastest device to make me turn the channel: WWE

Attack of the Martian tripods would make a great season finale cliffhanger. :smiley:

Have you seen this? :smiley:

Interplanetary Gutter-ness! :eek:

A Martian war machine would be cool though.

nope. wrestling does it faster. (must be all those steroids)

Speak for yourself. IBIMB :smiley:

I actually caught some of Sharktopus and am looking forward to seeing the gods-awful thing in its entirety. Super dumb!

Yup… and I happily caught this last night at 11… oh wait, at 11:05. I had to endure 5 minutes of pure torture because whatever that is went over :frowning: