Warehouse 13 1x12 MacPherson

You are good.

The Red Herring of Claudia opening the cases to steal things. And jsut a look she gave that seemed out of place

See shes shifty eyed

Good point. hehe:D

He is so evil…its pretty cool

Wow. Sounds like some one is channeling the Emperor. Mc Nutty pants!!!

Evil is cool when doe right.

I expect you to die…007

“Good catch”?

Just seems a little minimalistic for preventing a nuclear explosion. :stuck_out_tongue:

Hes going to the Attic! Carbonite for him

Somehow, I’m thinking this was his plan all along…

Sounds like it.

And the Inn keeper is the evil sleeper agent i still say

Who called it. Jason called it.

Or not…Double Red herring…

Huh-WHUT??? :eek:

You great!!!

Triple Red Herring! :eek:

You da man. :stuck_out_tongue:

Nope I called it

Will it end with him leaving?

Why does Boss Lady need a driver. Cant she jsut teleport places like Batman does