VOLTRON Surprise Frak !!!

The evil guard who was taking them to their deaths didn’t want to interrupt their naps? That’s thoughtful. :slight_smile:

Lawful/Evil alignment.

I’m surprised they kept the praying in.

I wouldn’t mind a Voltron reboot with less cheese.

Golden space suck! :eek:

“Isn’t that where the secret of Voltron is?”

Not much of a secret if everone knows that. :rolleyes:

The robot lions are actually an evil curse? Who knew?

There’s still a secret. Revealed 3-4 episodes later I think.

That’s the Americanization. In Japan, Voltron was a sentient robot split apart by a good goddess for his pride (I think), not an evil witch in disquise.

Edit: It was the goddess of the universe that split up GoLion due to his arrogance (GoLion is supposedly sentient vs Voltron who was created by King Alfor and his scientists.[31]).


Sorry I missed my own party guys. Baby Tightpants had other plans.