V 1x05 Welcome to the War

Well, I was hoping they were going that way. It’s so easy. He work with the resistance, find out what he knows. Oh well.

I knew I didn’t trust that guy who rescued the priest.

This is delicious Cake! :smiley:

They did a V recap last week, didn’t they?

Grats on 25k.

That was Flash Forward.

Diana pulled the same trick on Mike in old series, using holograms and drugs.


Don’t you mean Beefcake?

wait that was the previous week.

No…they did one for V too. Jr and I watched it together.

Oh. Look at that. What could I do to celebrate?

Agent Blondie is playing a risky game with all the video cameras around, not to mention all the V tech out there.

Wonder why I didn’t know about it.

Khan Noonien Singh piñata?

There wasn’t a frak party set up for it. I didn’t know about it until it had already started.

I wish the daughter would make one last appearance on Smallville.

Filled with Ceti eels? Did you find a Party City that will make that yet?

I’ll see if I can find it on Hulu after this.

Maybe she already has. :stuck_out_tongue:


I’ll imdb after this too.

Wow. The boy’s pretty, but he’s dumber than a bag of hammers.

Who’d fall for that crap?