True Blood 4x03 If You Love Me, Why Am I Dyin'?

Ohhh is that what he was doing? I was a bit confused.

I do like Bills Carafe of blood

I can never love you…

most honest Bill has been in a while

I love this bit with the baby. She’s just downright hilarious, every time they interact.

I’ll bet Maxines sitting on a bunch of natural gas heh heh heh :smiley:

I think that’s accurate, but not for the reason he said.

It looked like Bills bicep had a bicep

Its good to be the king!

wow…eat, fuck AND kill?

“…I will personally eat, fuck, and kill all three of you.”

In that order? :slight_smile:

ok…seriously…this witch is crazy :eek:

Blood sacrifice? This can’t turn out well. :eek:

Ooh! The Jason Stackhouse ride! :smiley:

Aw, there’s already a line. :frowning:

oh COME ON…dude is messed up and you gotta do him now

he doesnt sound too thrilled about it tho

You just killed my Fairy Godmother


I love this frakkin show

Eric’s all chock-full of fairy blood now! :eek:

“You just killed my fairy godmother!”

bwhahahahahahaha! :smiley:

I love this version of the song.

I wonder who does it.