Finally, tara can work out her whiny bitch rage.
awww…young couple fight…
Aw. Their relationship was one of my favorite parts of the show.
shwoo em how it’s done Eric!
“I have proof. Scientific. People are far stupider than they realize.”
I think it will still be fun and cute. Typical quarrel between a living and dead couple
aww bill is getting political.
“We’re always willing to serve humans here at Fangtasia… and I don’t mean for dinner.”
Oh. Tara’s not driving stick anymore, I see.
and again I say… well HELLO Tara…
Tara’s girl looks familiar
Sam is looking rough
See…even Jsus says they are crazy…
Andy’s a V addict? :eek:
wow…Jason…that was…cool?
Dude. Seriously Jason. Loose the John Waters mustache
This is like Bizarro World. :eek:
Will we finally get to see Tara boobs?
Haven’t we before?
Jessica is…haaawwwttttt
and evidently hungry