Trekkies 2 4/30 @ 10 PM ET

How big is Mike from the Comic book store? That guy is huge!!

He’s aware, he’s understanding and he knows. Those are very good characteristics for a guardian. :slight_smile:

She played a Cardassian, no?

Trek Day? Is there an actual Trek Day? When?

She’s getting promoted awfully fast. If she’s not careful, she’s gonna end up as an admiral. :eek:

Yep. It was DS9.

December 10, I think.

I don’t remember :eek:

The editing in this is chop chop chop moving too fast. I’m dizzy!

I guess I did. Whoa /Neo

“I’m not a Trekkie…I’m a Trekker.”

Ugh! I used to say that. shame Sounds soooo pompous.

The fun part…Gabe!

Ah, I see. Lost to pre-Forumity.

Huh, don’t recall that one at all.

Agreed. A little more focus might have been helpful.

A big 360 switch!

I never understood that. Especially the people who insist that one made-up word is significantly different than the other.

And no mention of the mullet. :frowning:

I’m not one of them syndrome

You know, once genetic engineering really takes off, it’s only a matter of time until somebody makes a Tribble. :stuck_out_tongue:


Damn, Phil is rockin’ the guns, eh?

“We are the tolerant ones!!”


“Probably the most gratifying and satisfying moment of my life.”

Thanx Dad.

Is his emblem supposed to be upside-down? :confused: