Torchwood 3x04 Children of Earth, Day 4

Poor Ianto. :frowning:

some of it wasn’t him though. he was found way back in 19th century by Torchwood women officers. tried to bed them of course!

Yes, to him men and woman are equal, IYKWIM!

(sorry had to go there)

Jack has that effect on some people

For vomit or tears? Or tearing out my hair?

Badger likes the juxtaposition of the WalMart commercial (hee haw howdy) against the seriousness of the show.

All of the above!

I know, he looks so hurt during that conversation.

Very nice! I see what you did there! :slight_smile:


random text because I can’t post a 1-word response.

As DoctorDonna said - all of the above.

ANd commercial

If you need a bucket for tears you might need to seek medical attention…or at least be sure to rehydrate alot.

Well, it was started by Queen Victoria, so maybe they had a better viewpoint on the role of women in positions of power…

Had to be done. Couldn’t be helped. :stuck_out_tongue:

You might need several buckets. :frowning:

And we’re back! I still don’t like the mega-bitch!

But it doesn’t seem like the 51st century they were much more tolerant of others differences.

Didn’t mean he lost his sex drive - he is Captain Jack after all.

But she did get slightly more tolerable as the series went on.

Just in case anyone missed it, notice that Stephen calls him “Uncle Jack”, just as he called himself in 1965. :frowning:

They really did a good job using music to accentuate the mood.

creepy alien


Obviously, she’s just doing what she thinks is best for Queen and Country. What exactly that means to her changes over the course of this series.

I missed that the first time, didn’t even think about it.

Red Shirt! :eek: