Torchwood 3x03 Children of Earth, Day 3

love how ianto can find jack’s old outfit!! think maybe he had a secret stash he used to dress up in!? LOL!

Ianto does know his man!!

And we’re back! And scary bearded guy is stealing too? Everyone’s resorting to a life of crime!

I still like my theory about the aliens but the kids are acting kinda like Cybermen…er Cyberkids

Thank for the commercial shouts it helps alot

OK, the bit with the contact lenses is gross.

Thats come pretty cool tech

I love Lois

Yeah, but these lenses do a lot more than just correct your astigmatism! :slight_smile:

Hey everybody. Home from the work thingy, so I only missed 15 min (of course I have already seen it.


Yes, but she’s taking them out of her eyes and giving them directly to Lois. Who knows who wore them before Gwen. :eek:

Is the Forum running slow or is it my computer?

Wouldn’t that have been Martha…

And she put them in disinfecting solution :stuck_out_tongue:

Yeah that is just gross what if Gwen had pink eye

I’m here but behind you by about 15 minutes. Will catch up during commercials.

I’ve noticed the forum getting pokey too. Twitter and other websites seem fine, though, so it’s probably not your (or my) computer.

And we are back!

I LOVE this scene.

Ianto kills me…

“bloody beans”

It was a little slow for me before, but it seems better now.