Torchwood 3x01 Children of Earth, Day 1

I actually watched it the week it was out in the UK - several different ways.

Awww, Jack and Ianto make such a cute … not couple! :slight_smile:

I do like that they use more of the British slang.

Poor Ianto - he looked so sad there - so wants Jack to call them a couple, but not really sure what that means.

well, we could tell you, but then we’d have to retcon you!

Don’t worry no spoilers from us

He and Martha were supposed to, but the actors had a conflict and couldn’t participate. :frowning:

Don’t they though. I love them as a couple, of course that could be some of the fan fiction I have read too.

Okay okay, 'nuff said! :slight_smile:

Although Jack is not the most monogamous guy around

No he is not, but I get the feeling that while he is with Ianto (and I am talking back to the early days late in Season 1 through current) he is faithful, or at least that is my hope.

Now that’s definitely not a spoiler! :slight_smile:

If only every scifi show could have all of their main characters be bisexual to some degree …

This scene so creeps me out. The kids and the screaming.

Something about kids being taken over creeps me out.

One the creepiest for me other then these kids - “Are you my mummy?”

Wow…sounds like all the kids have Asthma…creepy creepy asthma…

Well, at least the kids aren’t all simultaneously coming in the sexual sense :wink:

So much about this series is creepy. Beyond creepy.

One the creepiest for me other then these kids - “Are you my mummy?”

Still freaks me out. :eek:

I whole heartily agree with you on both accounts.

I do love Louis, she would make such a great addition to the team.

Ok, we’re a tad behind. Who the heck is the old dude that’s sayng the same as the kids?

it hasn’t been revealed yet.

You’ll find out soon enough. Patience, padawan. :stuck_out_tongue:

their translator is a TV switcher hooked up to a Radar?