Top 10 Scifi shows of all time

In order:

  1. Stargate SG-1.
  2. BSG (2003)
  3. Stargate Atlantis.
  4. Babylon 5.
  5. Firefly.
  6. Doctor Who.
  7. Futurerama.
  8. Star Trek: DS9.
  9. Star Trek: TNG.
  10. Star Trek: TOS (I don’t like it that much, but none of this list would exist with out it.)

I love MST 3K, but don’t consider it science-fiction. I will watch Charmed, I won’t listen to it, but I will watch it.

I think I’ll jutst go out and buy the first season of Deep Space Nine, and take the advice of my friends at Galactica Watercooer. If I don’t like it, I didnt’’ hear it from you though lol (I’m sure I’d like it)
I LVOE MS3K, it might be more of a satire, but I can see it classified as a scifi series > I think I better start a thread though to debate this. This is really fasenating lol.

If MS3K is not scifi, it is something that many scifi fans would be into. I have had alot of differences with some of my scifi fans who love Dexter as much as I do. It doesn’t make Dextr scifi, but it appeals to the audience because its smart, and creepy.

And Avon rocks!

I can’t believe I forgot about Futureroma! Stupid, stupid stupid! lol

Well, here’s some more advice: as was the case with all the Star Trek series, DS9 too didn’t really take off until the third or fourth season. Of course there were some really good episodes in the first two seasons (“Duet” comes to mind), but what you really want to watch is the Dominion War story arc. That really has some of the greatest, thought-provoking SciFi episodes of all time in it (off the top of my head: “In the Pale Moonlight,” “Far Beyond the Stars,” “The Siege of AR-558” - yes, I looked up the number of the planet).
So, far be it from to me stop you from watching DS9 season one, but a season box is still a lot of money and if you really want to have fun right away with DS9, you might want to consider starting with season four or five. You’ll be missing some exposition and backstory, of course (but maybe not as much as you think), but it’s not too hard to get the hang of that.