Time Bandits 2/18 @ 10 PM ET

Alright. Who grew up with plastic furniture?

I didn’t but had a neighbor with it. Really weirded me out, especially in the Summer.

Love these blokes!

I love it. It’s cheesetastically wonderful. :stuck_out_tongue:

Of course, I’m also a bit of a prat, so feel free to ignore my opinion as well. :smiley:

Lol at gun going off.

Favorite guy is the one with the outrageous Pirate hat.

more clever foreshadowing… :slight_smile:

Will do. Thanx. :smiley:

Both sets of grandparents. I remember what an amazing feeling it was to actually touch cloth at grandma’s house. :slight_smile:

“You never start on 1!” :smiley:

I think almost all of them are dead. :frowning:

The lead guy committed suicide. :frowning:

I still have aunts and uncles with plastic on furniture.

Floating disembodied head.

I hate those guys.

This was how I conceived of God as a child. :eek:

Yeah. I know. They all had pretty sad stories.

“That was no man. That was the Supreme Being.”
“You mean God?”
“Well, we don’t know him that well. We only work for him.” :smiley:

We’re all going to fastcart’s Aunts and Uncles houses after this. On the way, we’re drinking a bottle of Scotch. Then we vomit on the in the plastic couch. In unison we say, “It’s so easy to clean up!!”

Tell the folks I said hi!


I remember pausing the video and trying to draw the map off the TV. My cousin’s version was much better than mine. :slight_smile:

I conceived God as a hippy with sandals and a beard.

And no. Not Buddy Christ. I hate that guy.

I love how many of the scenes are shot from a childs height! :slight_smile: