Thrawn Trilogy - Timothy Zahn

I read the first two, but my library only has the last one on cassette. Time to check the used bookstores.

I did enjoy them, but I agree with Casilda. Han was kind of a tool. And I know I don’t have all of the story, but what’s the deal with Fey’lya? Is he just a total ass, or is he being manipulated, too?

I got the feeling that Fey’lya was just a total ass. They tried to play it off as “that’s how his species’ culture works,” but if he can’t separate his assholishness from his culture, I’m not sure how I can separate my recognizing his assholishness from mine. :slight_smile:

  1. You forgot to say sorry barb.

  2. Fey’lya was an asshole even for a Bothan. I vaguely remember some other Bothans on the council who acted much more reasonable.

I’m almost finished with Dark Force Rising (book 2). So, when I’m finished with these three…what do I move onto next? I want to read more about Mara Jade! I really enjoy her character. The stuff with Leia is zzzZZZZzzzzz right now.

I’m loving Thrawn’s character too. He’s so intuitive. I have to keep reminding myself he isn’t a Sith. On the other hand, I’d luck to throw C’baoth off the nearest cliff. He annoys me.

Edit: Frak the Whut??? “…I’d luck to throw…” Huh??? Yeah…I’m just gonna’ blame that on the drugs…

Well put! That was my impression, too. I just wasn’t sure if there was more to the story.

Sorry Barb! Mea culpa!

I liked Mara too! And yeah, Leia just seems really wishy-washy right now. Should we blame it on pregnancy hormones? :rolleyes: j/k!

It’s Pellaeon that’s annoying me. It’s like he can’t decide if he wants to be licking Thrawn’s boots or plunging a knife in his back.

Yeah, Leia’s character was a bit weak, but maybe it’s befitting her position right now? She’s kind of stuck between two worlds (political and Jedi) and pregnant so I guess she’d be kind of wishy-washy. I didn’t get that feeling from Han, though.

And much like Mara Jade, this is pre-badassery Pellaeon. I think Thrawn’s death galvanizes him to become a better leader. Or something.

How about that scene where Thrawn completely deconstructs Han and Leia’s mix-up plan? That was a pretty fun subversion of the usual “FOLLOW THE MILLENIUM FALCON IT’S GOT ALL THE IMPORTANT PEOPLE” thing Star Wars villians usually do. Although I have to admit the whole “4 minutes = 3 people” thing was kind of stretching it.

And then there’s that scene where Thrawn orders the execution of the bridge officer - that was pretty cold. I think Thrawn, before this scene, was pretty bloodless, but after this I viewed him in a much colder light.

Ugh. I have to finish this before I start reading Snow Crash. I’m about halfway through right now.

If you want to continue the Thrawn story, there is a second series of two books called the Hand of Thrawn duology, Specter of the Past and Vision of the Future. I enjoyed them almost as much as the original trilogy. After that there are actually 3 other Timothy Zahn Star Wars books, but I haven’t read them. Supposedly they all also follow the Thrawn story as well. One of them is a prequel to the Thrawn trilogy about the Outbound Flight mission

Not only does the Hand of Thrawn Duology have more of the story, it develops Mara Jade’s character more. It’s good stuff.