I need an automated piece of software that automatically posts witty, unique and personal B-day greetings.
I’d buy a copy, but I bet they don’t make a mac version
For the price of the automated software, you could get an Indian company to do the job manually.
make it easier on the forumfolk–all in one (Pike will thank you. he hates the birthday craaaap)
Should make it a party and bunch 'em together. If it was me I wouldn’t mind. But I’m weird.
Oh, oops. I started making the threads separately.
Well, I performed very poorly tonight folks. I’m nowhere near 4,000 posts.
If this were Henry V or LOTRs…well…
Y’know if we collected everytime we post the same thing and deleted those dups I’d be around 5000.
there’s a news flash
If this were LOTR, we still wouldn’t be half way through the frak.
There’s always next time.
Ok, I started making the thread already before I got this news. Can someone with admin privilege combine the threads for me? (Yes, you, Spoon, you’re the only one among us with that power.)
Thanx I needed that. On that note, me need sleep. I got 3 hours last night and it looks like maybe 5 tonight. Nighty Nite.
Yes indeed. Well, bedy-bye time for me folks.
This was fun—even the pre-frak party was fun. Cuz we stuck together as a team, that’s why.
Good nite all.
Good night, FT.
Good night, TFG.
Another one in the column of OSSIM for the band of GWC’ers
night talos & Thot
So… is everyone gone now? I guess it’s over. Time to take off my frakking pants.
why are you still wearing pants?