The West Wing - S2 E10 - Noel

Leo has so much insight not only into disfunction, but into Josh as well. But Josh isn’t nearly as complicated as he seems to think he is.

“This is how statesmen dress at times of occasion.”

White ties and tails. Mmmmm :smiley:

Bernard is making it dusty in here.

Yes. The human brain is so fragile. But being aware of what the problem is …via therapy … makes all the difference.

Yo Yo Ma makes me want to learn the cello. Amazing.

Really amazing trick this episode pulls off here. It’s an upsetting , intense moment …but with the back drop of Yo Yo Ma’s music it’s beautiful at the same time. Brialliant.

Really is beautiful, isn’t it

Watching Josh relive the shooting while listening to this beautiful performance is heartbreaking.

“ok then. that’s that.”
“I’m cured, then.”

Josh is a little nutty. :stuck_out_tongue:

These kind of scenes where emotional for John Spencer …because he was a recovering alcoholic in real life.

“Stanley, I haven’t told you my dreams yet.”
“Fax me over to me.” :slight_smile:

I love that he realizes how much better he feels by admitting the effects of PTSD and wants to do more immediately. :slight_smile:

Yes, the multiple stresses going on in Josh’s head of the PTSD …AND trying to cover it up an hide it while coping wth his day to day stress full job,. Just being able to get it out in the open is a huge weight lifted for him.

To be feeling those emotions and still perform this well on the show is a testament to his talent. He was an amazing actor. I still can’t watch The Birnham Wood without breaking into the ugly cry.

Eek. Just thinking of The Birnham Wood makes me shake.

John Spencer is on the commentary for the ep Bartlet for America (the drinking hotel room scene). And the end of the commentary Spencer is practically in tears with emotion.

Yeah I’m gonna have to find time to listen to the commentaries. That’s too good to miss.

Tomorrow’s the last morning this week that I’m going to be able to frak, Thotbob Squarepants. :frowning:

Yup, you got the Meet Up coming up, yes? Thanks for fun frak as usual KimmyPoppins :slight_smile: Have the best day!