The Terminator Frak Party

This has one of the best opening sequences. The music gets the blood pumpin’

I haven’t seen it on me HDTV yet.

had seen T2 many, many times before I saw this

"Tonight "

Hooray for cheesy DVD menu! :slight_smile:

Is that the same garbage truck they used in Star Trek IV. I loved the truck driver’s mumbles

should I state the obvious because I’m an old fart i saw this IN THE MOVIES when it came out, and loved it.

When James Cameron was no one.

Same here with T2 seen that many times and only saw T1 once before on Cable. When I bought a PS2 which was my first DVD player I bought both movies right out the gate.

my naked governor

There’s the Schlonginator. Good Golly Miss Molly!

bill paxton with blue hair

and hey, isn’t that the vamp from Harvest, TG?

I saw it on HBO, maybe six months after that…


Hey, it’s !!

I love this bum in the alley. “That sonofabitch just stole my pants.”

Holy Craaap, I think yer right !! About 70 lbs lighter

I’m not sure but the blonde was in Deep Space Nine, wasn’t he? One of the marines in the Siege at 59-ar something

Other than Aliens and T2 what else has the guy that played Kyle been in?

thinking the very same, talos–what a surprise :wink: