The Princess Bride (Surprise!) Frak Party

That is why it pays to be a night owl. :stuck_out_tongue:

Ever been in the pit of despair?

Last time I was there was 2 years ago when my wife was in the hospital.

Yeah I know way to bring the room down.

Hey look Billy Crystal!!

I thought chuck would have bleeped the word on the forum by now.

That only pays in lack of sleep and gray hair.

“I’ve seen worse.” Always been tempted to say that at a funeral. Not sure what would be worse: no one gets it and everyone stares at me, or someone gets it and starts laughing. :slight_smile:

who was it who said Sally got the short end of the stick? (so to speak)

I’m thinking they were right

Carol Kane!!! just saw her a couple of weeks ago in Wicked

I would LOVE to see that! what do you propose the forum change it to?

Or lack of hair. :frowning:

OK where are we, I had to actually work.

“Let me 'splain. No, there is too much. Let me sum up.”

I say that all the frakkin’ time. :smiley:

I hate when that happens! :smiley:


Yeah that too

Storming the castle. Holocaust cloak and Andre!

Me too. Probably my favorite line from this.

Pan-Galactic Gargle Blaster.

Flaming Pirate.

Mawwaige !

Have fun storming the castle.

I can’t tell you the number of time I have heard that from my friends at Renn Faire.

Wesley is doing a fantastic job playing “mostly” dead.

“Ok Andre, great take baby!! Uh, can we try it one more time, with more ennounciating, okay buddy?”

I may have mentioned this during the frak party several months ago, but I gave that speech when I was best man at a friend’s wedding. Sans the Fudd. :slight_smile:

I don’t remember you saying that. That is great. You shoulda done the Fudd though.