You keep using that hword. I do not think it means what you think it means.
You know, if we all lived near one another, we’d totally make an In-N-Out run right now.
LOL–there’s an In-N-Out not 5 min from my house
Denny’s is the only thing in town open right now (besides Wal-Mart)
If I dressed as a Dread Pirate Wesley for Halloween, with black outfit and black mask and sword, I’d:
A) Be applauded for a great theme, and women will be throwing themselves on me
- OR -
B) Arrested before I can get on the subway.
I’m betting B.
My In-N-Out used to be the one on Campus Dr. in Irvine next to the UC Irvine campus.
There’s not a lot of money in revenge.
You mean, you’ll put down your rock, and I’ll put down my sword and we’ll try to kill each other like civilized men?
Yes, but it’s a growth industry.
(That was a preemptive Grosse Point Blank reference.)
I know I feel like going around in a mask all the time :rolleyes:
It’s terribly comfortable. I think everyone will be wearing them in the future.
Rest well, dream of large women
Here comes my favorite part of any movie ever: the battle of wits.
You’re trying to kidnap what I’ve rightfully stolen
to the death!
Vinzzini put out wine, cheese, bread and fruit on a table cloth waiting for Wesley. I think that’s hilarious. By the way, that cheese looks delicious.
Truly you have a dizzying intellect
I accept!
I choose… what in the world could that be?