Inigo Montoya in front of the pub.
Been there many times.
Wherever I’m that pissed drunk, I scream, “I went back to the beginning, Vizzini!” I really get into character. The neighbors love it.
Inigo Montoya in front of the pub.
Been there many times.
Wherever I’m that pissed drunk, I scream, “I went back to the beginning, Vizzini!” I really get into character. The neighbors love it.
Not To Fifty!!!
Do they alternately dunk your head in hot and cold water?
One night on a bender I was in the back seat of a car and my friend was driving really fast. I was sick from all the motion. I screamed, “Not to 50!!” They all cracked up.
The highest setting should have been 11.
Oddly that doesn’t work.
One time I was sleeping over a friends and he didn’t want his parents to see me so pissed. So they stripped me and hosed me down. Butt naked and drunk I still managed to kick their sorryBarbs and pass out on the lawn. It was an interesting morning.
Miracle Max!!
Beat it or I’ll call the Brute squad.
He’s only mostly dead.
I imagine that you have many of those.
I love when my wife uses, “Look who knows so much” with one of our daughters.
Used to. Not so many anymore. I’m a responsible parent now.
Humiliations galore.
Valerie’s makeup is awesome (so is Max’s, but Valerie’s is so good I can’t see Carol Kane anymore)
I love the scenes with Andre the giant and Wesley
“You moved your little finger.”
chocolate coating–they should try that with vegetables
I’m sure those two posts are completely unrelated.
I set them up and Poofy knocks 'em down.
casilda, if you’re still there, what do you think of Inigo’s accent? I’ve always thot it was really good
Let me 'splain. No, is too much. Let me sum up.
I nearly wet my pants in the theater on that one
I love the chocolate drip that comes with fruit platters. One time I tried carrots and broccoli with chocolate. It’s alright. Wouldn’t recommend it though.