The Pacific 1x10 Home

that was one of the most pimp moves I have ever seen…ossim!!!

I wonder what ever became of SNAFU? He just sort of blended into the crowd in New Orleans.

He shoulda done an akward turtle, broke the tension. Oh 1940s how antiquated

I think that’s probably the point

DP and I thot he just continued his crazy into the city

“Too bad you missed the whole show.”

I wish more cars had suicide doors.

he’s gonna have ptsd for a while

Most of them did.

$300 for a TV??? Thats insane!!! I mean, those thing catch on fire and theyre just a fad anyway :smiley:

Only 2 hours of programming.


just brilliant

That dude does not look what…86 years old. The first dude with the race cars

nope…aged well

Are we going to learn the names of the guys who have been talking at the begining of the episodes?

Thank you Tom Hanks and Stephen Speilberg. It was worth it.


Thanks guys for watching this with us for the past 10 weeks. We appreciate the company.

back at ya man!

considering the inflation, those 300 bucks 1940s TV better be gold plated.

I’ve always wondered what would happen if the US decided to take Formosa instead… but they were very smart not to try… Taiwan probably would be just as bad for the Marines but 35 times larger with mountains 14 times higher than Okinawa…

After watching this, and compare to the Band of Brothers, I get the feeling that troops that went to Europe have a much tighter bond and stayed closer after the war. Where as a lot of Marines tried very hard to forget and bury the whole ordinal. If given a choice, between sleeping in a fox hole with rotting dead people marinated with mud or freezing my toes off in the Ardennes without proper winter wear… i dunno, i probably would have chosen Europe… Those marines lived through hell.