The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King 4/18 @ 8 PM ET

Wow that whole dont look i always look…i cant help it… conversation…

Ride to ROhan!! One of my favorite passages in the book is when Theoden raises his horn and leads the charge to Gondor:

Arise, riders of Rohan! Fell deeds await! Fire and Foe! Ride now, ride to Gondor!

I think it had a power to ‘call’ the weak minded as the Ring does, albeit on a lower scale. Let’s face it, Pip’s a moron. :smiley:

Dinner i ate while watching…the first bit of the movie…East meets West…

Thats not how you treat books Liv

So instead of watching the movie, you are taking pictures of your dinner? Did you forget to take your Ritalin? :smiley:

Even among hobbitses. :stuck_out_tongue:

And that’s saying something! :smiley:

Nope…I am just great at multitasking. Watching Movie. Taking pictures. and Frak partying. All while wearing No pants!!

This hall is actually Aaron Spelling’s entry foyer.


All kinds of wrong. And I just ate a hotdog.

It happens.

Adventures of the wayward proctologist

I thought it was the hallway to my Cats Litter box room

Open mouth, insert hairy-toed footsie!

I love Gandalf’s warnings to Pippin. :slight_smile:

That’s some house you bought there, sir!

Its ok…I ate two…and Sushi!!

Gandalf can just walk into the king’s office with no appointment… Who does he think he is?

It will do…you know…just until i find a missus

Look! Dr. Walter Bishop!

That bugged for the whole first episode of ‘Fringe’ I couldn’t figure out where that guy was from.

I told you to call me Stewie not Stewart!!!