The Last Starfighter

Don’t make me smack you with an Alpaca.

Don’t make me break out my kung fu moves. I’ve seen enough David Carradine movies to know how to hold off an alpaca.

I see your kung fu is strong…but is it strong enough to fend off…

Ah Solai has SMD’s — Simians of Mass Destruction — That monkey is fully armed and operational!

Actually, there was a Last Starfighter game on the Atari 8-bit computers. I remember playing it on my Atari 800, and it was actually a decent game. It was a lot like Star Raiders, but with better graphics. Was it just like the video game in the movie? No. But is was cool.

Uh, I love this film but a musical adaption?

A fitting irony, I suppose, since Last Starfighter was Robert Preston’s (title character in the Music Man film and musical) last film before his passing.

This simian is now the ultimate power in the universe. I suggest we use it.

During my teenage years, I longed for this movie to be real… ached as it were. I didn’t even grow up in a trailer park, but I would have moved to one if it meant this could happen to me.

That makes me sad. I always loved Robert Preston as the “rascal” figure like the Last Starfighter and The Music Man. He was always comforting.

Oh hells yeah… I would have fixed Otis’ TV antenna left right and backwards if it meant I got a ride with Centari.

So…finished my rewatch last night (after watching the Lance Guest special bonus about the making of Starfighter…suhweet!) and I have two things to say:

  1. Totally forgot how amazing the music was for this movie. The minute it came on I got chills. Amazing work that depending on its tempo could be an action theme, a love them, a longing theme…awesome.

  2. Totally forget the “beta unit”. OMG. I was crying with laughter.

Overall, I won’t restate what I already have. This movie is special and remains such. The graphics were cutting edge for its time and it only takes a slight nudge of your suspension of disbelief to continue to not only like them but accept them as reality.

In the end, this is a simple beautifully crafted story executed by a team that clearly loved what they were doing and having a good time doing it. It still is completely watchable and suffers very little in its age.


A movie that was on (at the time) the cutting edge of technology, and holds up pretty well in that regard !!
I defy anyone reading to wish they hadn’t won the video game and been chosen to save the galaxy !! This is the Rocky of Sci-Fi, a perfectly fun summer movie…Forever.

Holy Craaaaaaaaap - I missed almost all of it. It’s on the Sci-Fi channel RIGHT NOW!!!

So, I am doing a little research to answer some of the questions raised on the Last Starfighter podcast, when I stumble across this:

They made The Last Starfighter into a musical!

I think this album is a must own. With hits like,

Caves of the Heart

Out of this World

[COLOR=white]and of course: [/COLOR]Zandozan!

But wait…there are pictures too of the show!

Best line in one of the reviews read,

It’s easier, for instance, to accept that all the trailer park’s residents will show up to cheer a kid playing an arcade game when they’re singing a musical number.


Other movies from 1984:
A Nightmare on Elm Street
Beverly Hills Cop
Beverly Hills Cop
Dune (why won’t this movie just leave us alone!?!?!)
Ghost Busters
Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom
Once Upon a Time in America
Police Academy
Purple Rain
Romancing the Stone
Star Trek III: The Search for Spock
The Karate Kid
The Terminator
This Is Spinal Tap

Movie reviews from 1984: