The Guild Season 2 8/28 @ 10 PM ET

“Don’t get me wrong. You still get me hard as an old-school joystick.” :smiley:

Ling-er-ee :stuck_out_tongue:

I had dial-up for most of high school. It was terrible.

She can run around my house naked…only ill put out obsticles…that way it takes more than 17seconds :smiley:

17 seconds! Personal best…

I’m gonna go run around the house naked.

17 seconds. Personal best.

i didnt have internet for most of highschool and then i had dial up for the first semester or so of college

There was a study done with crowds and exits, and obsticals make the crowds move faster through the exit.

"Black power. Brown power. " i’m surprised somebody didn’t shoot his sorryBarb.


I love the pic of Vork and Grandpa!

It’s amazing what functional items people throw away each day.

cog-nac :smiley:

Not Pigeons…Squab!! Drummet?

Those birds would drive me insane!

Feed and water him twice daily.

The backyard shed riff is way more freaky today than it was,oh say 2 days ago. :eek:

Im not an agressive person but i like killing things.

A tiny part of me was like ‘I just owned that guy’

I love the little whimper when the stunt guy is laying there at the bottom of the stairs…

If Vork were a superhero, he’d be Mega-Frugal!

The man is eating the birds he caught. DAMN!

ohhh yeeeaaz…now i went to the creepy place…thanks chicka