So apparently Felica Day really had a kinda of addiction with online games years before she did the Guild
I’m in…where are we?
2:30 into the firstt ep
I’d love to, but it would have to be before 2 pm.
Oh, Zaboo! (The blue flowers were a nice touch)
2nd ep starting
You winkied me!
did he just saw Bladdered? Is that the new way of verbing things
Yeah, the semi colon really does slip in sometimes
our keyboard chemistry is undeniable
ahh i messed up my firefox window somehow. My Tabs are ar the bottom some how…I did it while pushing “R” and some other combination…
Every time i see her i find her adorable .
I’ve played a decent amount of Dungeon’s and Dragrons, but always in the real world (face to face) and never with strangers.
it’s so strange seeing this on television
They totaly censor this on X box.
That’s because she is adorable.
yeah, you really can’t relate to close friendships with people you’ve never met in person :rolleyes:
Hey!! You totally winkied me!!! Uh…I mean us.
- 5 Sexterity!!!