The Dark Knight (NO SPOILERS)

OK, you all have completely missed the most important point about Christian Bale playing Batman in these films.


i will concede that the man is good looking.

Bale will always be Jack from Newsies to me. :smiley:

Yeah. GS and I do not always agree, but I am with her on that. The violence against women in the movie was much more about (in reaction to) bodies than the violence against men (which was more in reaction to their actions/opinions). That speaks to the ways that women are valued and undervalued in American society that hasn’t gone away since the 80s- the production values and unconscious directing choices were all very modern. I don’t know if the book was like that, as I haven’t read it (since the movie freaked me out too much in general).

The movie was very well made and Bale did an amazing job. One of those things that is worth seeing, even though you won’t enjoy watching. <shudder>

Oh, Jack Kelley. I’d take out a subscription from him, IYKWIM.

i’ve got tickets to a midnight showing tonight, i’m very pumped up. a friend that im going with is dressing up as the Joker, purple suit and all. will post pictures if possible.