Um, excuse me. You have a knife in your back. You might want to have someone take a look at that.
Hallowed are the Ori! :eek:
All this slow-mo with Riddick. What is he? The Bionic man. We’re just missing the <<insert Bionic man sound effect>>
“In our faith, you keep what you kill.”
They’re Roman Catholic??? :eek:
“They’ll be no converts!!”
Um, that taking soul trick is pretty convincing.
He should have taken off his head. He is the undead afterall.
“Find him! Whatever it takes, find him!”
See, this is where the wisdom of nuking it from orbit is all the more clear.
“It’s been a long time since I smelled beautiful.”
Shouldn’t that be, since I smelled someone beautiful?
Hey, it’s Deputy Andy!
How am I way behind already? I’ll need to FF’d
Am I out of sync already?
McCoy is tracking in the desert.
See? Never trust a beautiful woman. He allowed himself to reveal the whole plot.
Kill the Furyan!! Kill the Riddick!!
That’s where I am.
Or I could pause until you catch up.
When they shoot down the thingy and it flies over the Riddick, looks like a video game.
OK, I’ll pause.
Let me know when you reach Riddick crucified, with the inner monologue.
Butcher’s Bay. Butcher’s Bay. Oh no. Oh no!
At least it’s not Botany Bay. :eek:
Ty Olssen and Christina Cox, they were both in Defying Gravity!!
Ty of course is in Eureka.