Terra Nova Pilot Frak Party

Those sketches are not a natural formation.

Sixes? Guessing if someone breaks the rules they get kicked out and have formed their own settlement?

The background was pretty fake there.

Uh oh, the Sixers are going to grab the teenagers, aren’t they?

OK, this chase with the dinos is pretty freakin sweet.

Avatar d-bag’s trying to distract the dino with an automatic rifle? Yeah, that’ll end well.

Sorry. Completely forgot about this tonight.

ETA: BTW, how is it so far? It’s a bit late to jump in at this point, so I’m going to have to catch it later.

It’s hit more than it’s missed so far. It has potential, and the Terra Nova vs Sixers dynamic could be interesting. They have shown some dinos, but it hasn’t really been about them.

Avatar d-bag’s son is alive and made those cave drawings, didn’t he?

“They mostly hunt at night.”

I was thinking the Aliens reference, but that was a clever way to work it in.

Love Sky calling the son on being just like his dad.

Uh oh, the Sixers just stole the power cell from the teenagers ride back to Terra Nova.

Guessing that was a slasher that killed the Sixer?

Yeah, Junior, I don’t think both parents going out on the same rescue mission is a good idea.

Oops, forgot about the frak party for this. I have one question though. If they’ve traveled into the past, why aren’t they worried about the Extinction Event that killed the dinosaurs?

You mean the one in 20 mil years? They went back 85 million.

Gotcha, didn’t realize they’d gone back 85 million years. I missed the first 10 minutes. Good thing I DVRed it so I can rewatch tomorrow.

“If a slasher’s going to munch on anyone, it won’t be your scrawny ass.”

Yoink. Yeah, didn’t see that one coming.

The rover doesn’t have any doors. It’d just be a basket of Kentucky Raw Human for the slashers.

How long did Mera wait before going for her man? Was she just sitting there waiting for the kids to get eaten or did she just happen to get there at the same time as the Novans?

Probably used the Novans arrival as a distraction to grab her man.

Hell of a first full day in their new home.

Slasher territory being the reason that area is off limits sounds like bullshit to me.

“You didn’t go anywhere near the falls, did ya?” Yep, definite bullshit.