Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles 2x16 Some Must Watch While Some Must Sleep

You didn’t know that was coming did you?:frowning:
I’m so sorry Leah I really am…

This is a mind frak ep…Who the heck is this guy btw?

Sleep studies are monitored all night. They should know when anyone takes the leads off right away.

WEll there ya go!! Now WHERE IS MY PIZZA

I do not like that ladies look.

YAY Pizza is here.

Omg…That was just like my girlfriend!! LOL!!
That promo about those friends I mean…She and her friend are just like that…

What toppings?:smiley:
She’s a T!!!

This show is giving me bad dreams.

Meatball and Jalapeno with Cajun Crust from Hungry Howies

Oooooh!! The dream was real and the real was a dream.

So it appears

How do they get away with this violence before 9pm?

Holy frak dude! :stuck_out_tongue:

You’ve seen ‘24’ right?

She’s a bad bitch, though.

Where the frak have ya been Talos!?

I’ve been sick of the fragile Sarah Connor. It was cool to see the reversal of the real here. I want the “sorrybarb” chick back–and guns, more GUNS, bigger guns!

Terminators don’t wear undies–had to be a dream.

Re: This episode: Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

it’s a sleeper. Sarah’ll be a cylon or something

I agree its a meaningless and worthless episode.

I was afraid for them when they were put to the death zone for tv shows.

But looking at it now with the worthless last episode too (except the minute at the end) they really are trying to get canceled and they will very soon with that crap.

And what the hell is wrong with them they have Cameron and they never use her. It’s pretty stupid since half of their audience got to this show because she’s in it.

I’m about to quit on that series if the next one is as bad.

Lets hope they don’t drag Dollhouse in their cancellation

I love Pulp Fiction as much as the next Alpaca – probably more – but here’s an idea for writers: Work on telling one story that unfolds in a linear fashion. A-B-C-end.

And here’s another one: Only show events that actually happen. No “SHE’S DEAD! PSYCHE! NO SHE’S NOT!”

And I also hate board posters who think they know more about storytelling than working writers. So I’ll shut up now.

Great point. Has Cameron, technically, been in this season?