Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles 2x07 Brothers of Nablus

I like Job. Very human.

Ah, Job. One of my favorites…

Terminators always keep their promises. And there’s the grin. :slight_smile:

weel next week looks pretty good.

Chuck and Heroes will be back. Up for a West Coast time DVR watch for this?

We’ll see. I know DBT will be waiting. But I haven’t slept well for three days and I’m looking forward to putting my ‘Christmas Story’ pink bunny outfit on and going to bed.

I meant for next week. My computer decided that recording half an episode of Good Eats was more important than Terminator, so I don’t even have this one to rewatch. :frowning:

But I haven’t slept well for three days

Sorry to hear that. Is work still beating you down?

and I’m looking forward to putting my ‘Christmas Story’ pink bunny outfit on and going to bed.

Now there’s an image. Let the Gimping begin! :stuck_out_tongue:

Yes. It is. Thanx to downsizing. My workload is upsizing.

Isn’t there already a bunnytalos out there already?

frakbunnies unite!

So, it seems Lady D and I are taking over this thread in an hour for a west coast frak party. RMHPH might be around too, and maybe Talos?

A Re-frak-tion party? Anyone? Anyone?

I really wish I could be me need sleep. Have fun y’all!

re-frak-tion–I like it!

Like a Happy Meal? :stuck_out_tongue:

Isn’t there already a bunnytalos out there already?

Yes, but that’s just a baby. There can never be too many. :smiley:

Alright! Re-frak-tion! Here we go!

dream sequence?

WTF? That’s kind of a crazy way to start an episode!

I missed the first few seconds–came in on guy seeing himself

(is it a bad sign that I don’t know all the characters’ names)

I thought it was a dream, but I guess not, eh?

I think that WAS the beginning. You didn’t miss anything.


I’d forgotten about Razorgirl–I like her a lot