Tales Of The Caerus fanfic

Wow. I’m really loving this. Helps with the lack of BSG. :wink:

I was writing the chapter for “You Can’t Go Home Again” thinking that the fleet was left to wait during the search for Starbuck. Just read the synopsis on battlestar wiki and realised that the fleet moves on with Roslin. Will have to rewrite it now as a major plot point was the waiting for the search to be over and the lack of information reaching the Caerus. That “Now we wait” ending is all a bit redundent now. :frowning:

Aw don’t beat yourself up. :wink:

On another note, If anyone else is reading then comment guys!! :mad:

Busy now, but I promise to catch up.

You lazy frak you. :wink:

That sounds wrong…

I’ve read up to ‘Bastille Day’.

I really like Krista’s storyline. She is a constant reminder of a life left behind. The BSG series’ focus was on finding Earth. Many of the characters didn’t really miss home. Their home was Galactica. She is a good example of what the rest of the fleet must feel.

And now for a little constructive criticism, use spell-check. It’s easier to read and follow the story.

Keep it up. It’s a great concept.

Cheers for the support.

Thanks for the comments. I shall pay more attention to the spell check in future. I do check when I read through but the problem is many words like frak and Caerus are highlighted so it ends up being a swarm of red on word, meaning some words fall through the cracks. I shall be more vigilant in future.

You Can’t Go Home Again is up. This chapters a bit shorter then my previous ones and was quite tough to write as I had to scrap my original plan. I know I say it every time but please let me know what you think. If your reading, just post and let me know.

The chapter for Litmus has been uploaded.

If you read, let me know what you think.
Cool Beans out.

Man, I’ve gotta catch up! Look out for some stuff from me coming up.

Just started reading, looks pretty cool so far.

Again, thank you for the comments.

Six Degrees of Separation has been uploaded. http://www.fanfiction.net/s/4962657/9/Tales_From_The_Caerus

I pretty much know how the story’s going to go for the rest of season 1 now which should help writing the next few chapters. As always, comments would be appreciated.

I’m going to wait a bit then read the rest in one go.
Pretty busy right now anyway.

Good luck though Coolbeans!

Flesh and Bone is up.


It might be a little while before I get the next chapter up. I’ll see how much time I get to spare.

Tigh Me Up, Tigh Me Down is now up. Sorry I took so long to do this chapter, I’ve got quite a lot of exams at the mo so studying has to take priority.



Just came across this thread and just finished reading Night 1 + 2.
I like it ! At the start, yes, it had a familiar Firefly feel to it.

Nice moment when Natasha says, “Are you alive?” I wanted to shout out warnings to the crew.

It was good to see Sharon being the all-business Raptor jock.
And I loved the “So say we all” chant at the end.

Still trying to get a feel for the Caerus’ complement.

What’s the pronunciation of Caerus ?

I’m looking forward to reading the rest of the chapters. Keep them coming.
Nice, very nice.

Sorry I haven’t been updating frequently. Exams are taking up all my time atm.

Thanks for you comments.

What do you mean by the Caerus’ complement? Maybe I’m just being stupid but I don’t get what you’re trying to get a feel for.

As for the pronounciation, I would pronounce it as ‘Sa-rus’ with the ‘Sa’ being like in the name Sarah, for example. I’m not sure how the Ancient Greeks would have pronounced it though :confused: .

I’ll update as soon as I can. Thank you to all my readers. :smiley:

Update? :smiley:

Your wish is my command.


Unfortunately I’ve been really tied up with exams these past few weeks and I haven’t really had time to write. Cheers to everyone who’s reading. I’ll try and make the next few updates more frequent.

Colonial Day has been uploaded.
