Tagline Throwdown


Yes you got it! :smiley:

There’s dead… and then, there’s DEAD:smiley:

Don’t fear the end of the world. Fear what happens next

Hint: Horror/SF

Is it 28 Days?

No, sorry. It is not…

12 Monkeys?

No, it is newer than that film…

I’m thinking maybe Pandorum but I’ve only seen that movie once and can’t remember too well.

And your thinking… IS CORRECT!


Wooo! Pulled that guess outta my sorryBarb :smiley:

“This is the weekend they didn’t play golf.”

Resident Evil?
I am Legend?

Edit: Oops. Waited too long.

Weekend at Bernies?

No and no.

It’s older and more drama/horror-ish

That was to Omra’s.

My guess for yours was Weekend at Bernies. d:

Actually it’s more Drama/Adventure…I hear a banjo. It doesn’t fall in the Sci-Fi/Fantasy/Horror requirement!


New tagline from Baconface then?

It was HORROR for Ned Beatty’s character…:smiley:

Yup. I’m very sure of it.

I agree, throw a new one down Bacon!

I agree with that but still doesn’t change the movie’s genre. :slight_smile:

Okay I always thought of it as horror, I’ll do another one instead.

Same Make. Same Model. Different Mission

Terminator 2

Yes. :slight_smile:
