SyFy Alice part 1

Looks like the Opera House on Kobal

Probably is. Saves money.

Please dont take your cloths off Kathy Bates.

She is fast to cutting off the White Rabbits head

Tim Curry!! Yay Tim Curry.

Tim Curry should really play the Cheshire Cat instead of the Dodo.

Ok That Rabbit thing in the coming up section. looks like a Living Pez

March Hare is kinda scary

The March Hare also sounds like a Dalek from the 30’s

So i guess it goes to the ground after all.

Ok, The Jabberwoky looked pretty bad when it was trying to lean in and eat them. It almost looked like Stop Motion

ITs Taggart form Eureka!! And Max Headroom

Yea, I saw that one coming.

Ohh sexy Dutchess

So was this any good? I had my doubts, after Tin Man. :frowning:

It was not a retelling of the story. It was sort of the same idea where it takes palce 145+ years after the events of the last Alice stories. It was pretty good. Kinda messed up like Alice in Wonderland should be. It felt very Terry Gilliam to me actually.

But i also liked Tin Man. It wasn’t stellar but it was fun for me. And it looked pretty (well Zooey Deschanel was at least). i think Alice will be better its a little more concise. Being 4 hours instead of 6.

i liked it… it was alright. it was nice to see some of the people we liked. wasn’t a pain to watch. the girl who played alice is kind of cute. and the reimagining of Alice in Wonderland is actually pretty clever. there were moments of acting sighs in there, but for the most part it was a sweet story.

I thought Matt Frewer (White Knight) and Andrew Lee Potts (Hatter) both did a fantastic job in their roles. They were definitely the reason to watch for me. :smiley:

finally got to see it and i quite liked it. Its strange but fun, will say I officially have a crush on Alice right now. I had seen the actress in an indie film a long time ago. and really liked it, but since then she kind of fell off my radar; not so much anymore; she did a good job in a really hard role. hope it comes out on dvd.