SURPRISE!! Last Man on Earth Frak Party

AHHH that child looks like a vampire!!! she has scary teeth. stake thru her chest cavity

I could resist that face…she looks like a vampire!!

You know, Vincent Price is actually a good physical portrayal of a scientist

Yea a mesh drop cloth will do wonders against germs.

Wait you are thinking of sending her to school when she is sleeping under a net…its amazing children survived the 60’s

Vincent Prices wife is to hot for him…

What is the lil girl doing with her hands. Is she trying to catch a football

So he moved into his friends house…interesting

The disease turned her into a stuffed animal…odd disease.

thats not a very good fire.

Wow Wife went from blind to dead really fast

I dont believe that’s a regulation grave

Shes homing corpse!!

and still to hot for Vincent Price

For being mostly brainelss they are really good at stripping a car down.

Can’t you have more than one car

So youve been looking for a vampire nest who cant go outside for 3 years and cant find them yet your ar going to search an entire city for a a dog?

Did it not occur to him to use a metal stake?

did it just occur to him that he hates dogs…

well now he is down one puppy. Its not nearly a sad as loss as was in the Will Smith version.

I think the fact thqt he can run and say more than one word at aq time is a pretty convincing argument for his non vampireism

i would doubt that he was torn apart. probalby gently pawed to death. And she has been dressed like that for 3 years i doubt it?