Surprise Hulk Frak Party (Edward Norton Edition)

Oh! So well done those SyFy channel Dune movies. You will like!

I don’t see Banner making it to 159 days now…

A cheap easy joke, i’m bad

So…tranquilizers…not so much…

If someone touched my laptop I would so Hulk out on them

Damn, there goes the Mountain Dew supply for a fuckin month :frowning:

oooh! what pretty green eyes you have, Mr HulK!

Tim Roth! Love that Tim Roth… Rob Roy, Reservior Dogs…

I’ve loved Tim Roth in everything he’s ever done. Hope he’s awesome in this too.



Wow. In NYC a cabbie would shoot you on sight

Tim Roth looks silly in uniform. He slouches too much to be a soldier

I’m sure Roth has been in some moives without the letter R in it

Mary Jane kinda said the same thing to Spiderman

Pants is really the main challenge of being the Hulk.

Spandex. All about the Spandex.

Damn William Hurt is really, um, old. :frowning:

Come along way from Altered States

“Dr. Elizabeth Ross. Elf.”

And her dad Elrond is the villian in Capt America. It all makes sense.