Job went south.
I wanted a Lincoln for about 5 yrs after this movie.
is one of us supposed to be a DOG in this scenario?!?!?!?
/singsong/ But you’re Mercury in my heart! /singsong off/ mesnort
Assassins don’t just shake hands, they assume the other person is trying to stab him or something.
You’re a dwarf planet? Funny, you look pretty tall in the meetup pictures.
I always knew I’d grow up to become Freddy Mercury someday.
Ackroyd is awesome in this movie!
Joan is so awesome! I’ve never seen her in anything I didn’t love her in
(At least, I’m not Uranus…)
“No way! I have scruples!” LOL
Joan Cusack in this movie is just absolutely incredible. I love her.
Joanie is so great in this. I never realized she was his sister until reading about the movie later. Sgt Pepper !! LOL
And this is why being a mouthbreather is bad…
Yup. I may kill for a living, but I have scruples.
Engage plan B.
“It was as if everyone had swelled.”
Ditto!! She’s like bacon. Makes everything better!
Too bad. Plan A was awesome.
Note to self: keep my mouth closed when sleeping.