His body did! d:
Dayum she’s skinny!
I know Robert Downey Jr is a hot mess…but he still is amazing & LOOKS amazing!
Go RDJ!!! That was the best speech of the night. He is my frakking hero!!
Wow Robert Downey Jr won for Sherlock Holmes.
If Avatar wins I will have seen both winning movies on the same day.
I did like Sherlock Holmes - just had one minor issue, and it is just because I know how far apart Parliament is from Tower Bridge - nothing too big and it didn’t make me not enjoy the movie, just funny to me.
I had that same problem watching Bones the other night. They tried to say that the Mexico border is 2 Kilometers from Roswell NM.
I might see Holmes.
You both aren’t thinking 4th dimensionally!
Yeah, I had to laugh at that one too!
Lol. He became the director suddenly!
I had a similar issue with Bones when they were supposed to be at Assateague Island and it was green and hilly - it is mostly marsh land IRL.
Funny how things like that they think they can get by us.
Well most people probably don’t know where Roswell NM is - but i’ve been there twice and I distinctly remember driving about 2 hours south to get to Carlsbad - and I was like “hang on a second!”
OK Julia needs to cut the hair around her face, its completelyu blocking it
crosses fingers
It was the rain.
Omg! Yes!!!
Wooo Hoooo!!!
I am so excited. A scifi film won best picture.
Go Avatar!!!
The conservatives are gonna have a field day.
“See?! Hollywood is anti-military and anti-capitalism!”
That’s pretty cool. I am ashamed to admit I still have not seen Avatar.
Heh. Last plug by Ricky.
Nice frak everyone!
You simply must!
If you are planning on seeing at all see it in the theater, and in 3D.
It is a visually amazing show, and a great story.
It has been fun frakking with everyone. It was a great way to avoid the work I should have been doing.
Now I am going to watch Brothers and Sisters and get some sleep.
Night all.