SURPRISE FRAK! Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog!


Waaaah! I’m missing it!

have fun my fellow Whedon Whores!


Haaaa haa ha ha haaaaaaa… !

So that’s coming along. :slight_smile:

E-mails! :smiley:

I’m seeing a vocal coach.

that vocal coach thing was a great idea :smiley:

Miss ya B!!!

who wouldn’t want a letter of condemnation from the mayor?

Why you looking at me?? :cool:

the status is NOT quo :wink:

Captain Hammer… Corporate TOOL! :smiley:


It’s not about making money, it’s about taking money. :stuck_out_tongue:

shoulder dance!!

Like a fool
Kinda sick
Special needs


LOVE NPH! He’s so frakkin funny!


His eye squint-twitches are a frakking riot.

He’s so cute and blinky!

Love the squishy sounds when Moist asks “Do you need anything dampened or made soggy?”. :smiley: