Supernatural 6x12 Like a Virgin

They know who their fans are. :stuck_out_tongue:

“Could you make a few calls?”
“To who? Hogwarts?” :smiley:

Dude. How long do you think you can keep that up? What happens when Meg pops up? Or Grandpa Samuel?

Melting metal. Neat trick.

You’ll have a good B-story for the episode. d:

They are advertising the heck out of DCUO tonight. As if we are their target audience.

checks EVE Online characters

Oh, I like her. :smiley:

LMFAO!!! :smiley:

OMGs, this is hilarious!!! :smiley:


The music!

Me too. (:

“Look, I would hug you, but…”
“It would be awkward.” :smiley:

scratch, scratch :eek:

The reveal is sooner than I expected.

“Trust me.”

This won’t go well. :eek:

Sam might have been able to pull it.

“You’ve got insurance for this, right?” :smiley:

The outtakes for this ep must be to die for…

Sam was the vessel of Lucifer. He’s not exactly a paragon of knightly purity.

He is of course an abomination :smiley:

Outtakes on this show always are.

At least if they kill this dragon, they’ll have more dragon’s blood. She can make another sword. :slight_smile: