Supernatural 6x04 Weekend at Bobby's

“I’ll take it out on your ass.”

That a promise?

“New hit series”

Don’t they have to wait until it airs to determine that? :rolleyes:

Yeah, this one’s getting a rewatch, definitely.

Um, that last word wasn’t Latin, at least not the way he pronounced it.

“Do I look like Dr. Phil to you?”
“A little.” :smiley:

LOL :smiley:

Bobby outmaneuvered Crowley. :smiley:

Ah. I wondering what that was.


That’s messed up.

Some great TV tonight. I hope it continues with Sanctuary.

Well, without Bobby, both of them would have been just as dead as their father.

At least until the angels rose them from the dead to kick-start the Apocalypse. :slight_smile:

How do they get money for travel and food anyway?

Pool hustling, credit card scams, and identity theft.

Ah. ok…

Lucas breath

On Supernatural, Bobby knows when to walk away - and when to run

Last night on Supernatural, we gained a new appreciation for all the crap Bobby has to put up with - and how much of a mommy figure he is to all the hunters out in the field.

That’s not to say “Weekend at Bobby’s” was all “chick flick,” as Bobby describes it at one point. We also got to see the old coot being a serious badass too. It was a great tribute to one of Supernatural’s coolest supporting characters.

“How to get your soul back while also playing mommy to a bunch of crazy people”

Good line.

i laughed so hard at that… he totally does look a bit like Dr. Phil.