Supernatural 5x02 Good God, Y'All

I’m not sure it’s really possible. He’s not a demon or even an angel. Nothing they have ever dealt with could take him out.

Well, that’ll do it. :slight_smile:

Awesome. I hope they keep the ring and use it instead of just destroying it. New weapons in the WoH = Good things

A ring that makes people delusional and paranoid? How would that be helpful, unless you want to start your own war?

Really? He wouldn’t be considered like a fallen angel? Iunno how the horsemen really work

The Book of Revelation just says that they’re horsemen, representing blights on humanity. For all intents and purposes, they’re just symbolic representations of those concepts, not beings in their own right.

Buh…buh…but…but they need to stick together. Bad things happen when they’re not together!

Like Lucifer rising out of Hell? How much worse could things get?

God being like “Ya’ll suck I’m gonna hang out my boy Lu”