Hadoooken! :d
Japanese eat corn on the cob?
Why not? (:
I feel sympathy for her for that embarrassment.
Nice car…
No lie… On his salary too?
It is not a native vegetable, and I had no idea they had developed a fondness for it…
I wonder if Ueda is one of the areas affected by the earthquake/tsunami…
This part reminds me of Live free or Die Hard.
toooooooo much lipstick…
I just noticed that the women’s priorities in this movie seem consistently misplaced.
When was the last time you saw an actual rotary phone?
Except Granny!
It might be the reason why she can get through when so many other phones are comprimised.
That is true. Thanks for making that explicit. Natsuki seem ok in the end too.
I think that’s more because she used a land line instead of a cell phone.
She does mature, which is part of her characters arc.
Look out! She is armed and pissed!!:eek:
Ganny looks bad ass with that weapon.
Kill Bill part 3? d: