Straight to the Gutter thread (NSFW)

darn, I didn’t see your post before I posted.

those look so cute! I want to play with them for hours. I want to cuddle them, squeeze them, push them together, and of course lick them.

Don’t you have a fowl mouth…

Isn’t that against animal rights laws? :eek:

So, I’m in my boss’ (well, one of 'em anyway) office. One of the desktop techs comes in and asks, “How do you expect us to reconcile these Antivirus issues?”

Our department manages 1600 PCs. I use a product from McAfee which monitors and updates those machines with the latest virus protection. It is a bear to maintain because of agent issues, etc. With diligence I was able to get the list of problem machines down to 30. I sent the list to the desktop department so they could visit the machines and rectify. In response I was treated with ridicule. I was doing them a favor and was treated with disdain. How dare I ask them to do their jobs?

I turned to the tech and replied, “There’s a handy tool called the internet. It might help you figure it out.”

He didn’t like my response so he pounched off in a huff.

I turned to my boss and said, “I hate fairy princess time.” Laughter ensued.

I smell a meme!

Well, I didn’t keep up my end of the bargin. I didn’t use the phrase “I hate fairy princess time” yesterday. :frowning:

Bwaaaaaaaa! I love it! Best forumpun in a long time.

Hehe… boobies, fowl… I love childish puns and euphemisms.

And so you shall have them. :slight_smile:

What a nice little pussy.
(BAH, too easy-need a more creative one)

I salute that man on the size of his cock!

Guys you crack me up. :D:)

Peter Jackson? “Jackson” is a euphemism? Why didn’t I know this? Shouldn’t I have gotten a memo or something?

Didn’t you get that thing? That thing I sent you? :stuck_out_tongue:

(And on the off-chance you’re not joking, think about it. You’ll get it.)

Really? :confused: How? I don’t see it… how is “Jackson”… oh… wait… :eek: it’s not one word! IT’S NOT ONE WORD!!! :smiley:

Hehe… I love silly sounding phrases and names… seymore butts… hehe.

Heh, but if somehow we can make “Cheney” a popular euphemism for something I’d be generally amused…

thanks for making me look at that before breakfast