Straight to the Gutter thread (NSFW)

I’m not THAT much older than you, my dear. Oh wait…I am, aren’t I?

Still, I’m not dead. I’ll fight you over girls any day. YEAH!

(Honestly, think that would be kind of cool. I’ve never had a girl I was friends with that I could talk about other girls with. This would make my old Evangelical friends’ heads explode! MWAHAAAHAHAA!)

Guess what I’m wearing to Star Trek on Friday!?!?

Hey! Me too!!! :smiley:

Didn’t mean to call you old! I meant more, the girls we’d be pursuing, were we both single, would likely be different individuals because we’d each be going for women close to our age. But let’s just keep fighting over Kate :wink:

Wowza! Awesome.

Post pics…

Dude. Really. We can’t wear the same thing! Its awkard. Can you wear the gold one instead of red?

this please


yeah…I wouldnt be able to concentrate either

RE the second pic:

You’ve got naked Kate lying right there in front of you and you offer her a book? A frakkin book?

I think that was from The Reader. It’s an excellent movie, if for no other reason than you get a naked Kate Winslet in it :slight_smile:

well in all reality that is the same with pretty much any Kate Winslet movie…until her whole “i wont get naked anymore” thing she showed off the goods (and they are good!!) in like everything…:stuck_out_tongue:

I have been looking for a cylon date for a “friend” of mine and rather than find him one, I found this:

Hardcore robot porno… (MotherBoards I’d Like to Fuck). Anyways, if you want to see how the mechanical half of our grandparents lived, give it a glance. However, I will warn you that this is not for the faint of heart. It is some raunchy stuff.


What, was taken? :eek:

I suppose it has to do with the buizness of being a robot porn star?

It’s already taken. The WHOIS registrant’s info says the domain owner is “Bender Bending Rodriguez” of Tijuana, Mexico.

List of every human sexual proclivities, acts, fetishes and dysfunctions arranged into a neat little map. Pretty cool. If you even know what a quarter of these mean, then you and I should be friends. If you know what all of these mean, you probably should be in a prison or institution. :smiley:

Click the partial map below to get the full map. It’s 900+ KB.

(Protip: If you don’t understand what some of these things mean, just let it go… don’t google it. For the love of god, don’t google it.)

I don’t think knowing what the majority of them mean necessitates being jailed or institutionalized… having experienced the majority of them, on the other hand, might. :eek:

I do find it funny though that one of the fetishes prominently displayed on your crop of the map is shirtcocking, which is a practice many of us support.
Viva la revolucion! :smiley:

Looking at the full map, a survey of citizens of Chez Gwen have determined that the Isle of Slash is WAAAAAY too small…

Dude. Reaver country. Aptly named. Just sayin… :eek: