Well, if it was made out of Naq, wouldn’t the whole gate and the people had gone up?
yay Eli!
A full Destiny! That’s so funny… so many people in so much less space
well at least the planet’s still there… not torn to smithereens
I just wish that Stargate didn’t always fall back on them as an enemy. They kind of became like the Borg in Voyager.
Dust and ash is never good.
Except after a vampire attack.
It kind of looks like Caprica.
so the question is, did people get out to other planets, or did they all die.
And only 3 left! sigh
I thought the same thing.
P Diddy on H 5-0!!
Yeah. Sigh.
Why didn’t they put the colonists in those shiny stasis pods they found last week? Would have helped with some of their resource issues.
And Syfylis is starting yet more paranormal bullshit shows. :mad:
Energy drain might have taken more resources. They could have put a bunch in the chair and upload them. d:
All wrestling, all paranormal, all the time!!
No doubt that’s why they were revealed last week.
Up until this episode I figed the the drone ships were just what has been mentioned. A weapon used by two warring factions that have since passed. With what we have here now throws a monkey wrench in that. We know that either them or a parallel Destiny was thrown back in time aprox 2K ago. What if the two warring factions were the descendants of the crew from Destiny. In other words they did it to themselves.
And they probably wouldn’t have been so quick to try Eli’s plans if they hadn’t been damaged in the attack on the drone command ships. Paradoxes give me a headache.
So in the end the reason why they are in where they are. Is because of Eli. If he hadn’t. Figured out that last chevron. All those people wouldn’t have died. That planet wouldn’t have exploded. And here he thought he was unimportant.
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I knew that this frakkin series was gonna get OSSIM…damn SyFy
This was a really amazing ep