Stargate Universe 201 & 202 Intervention & Aftermath

Rush is really smart - he makes things go.

Rush is such a secretive bastard.

This looks like the battle bridge.

Not much of a say, Wray.

They put Telford in with the Alliance to spy on them? Risky move.

Good for you Reilly.

“Let’s hope we find a viable planet.”

Where did Young get those glasses? I don’t remember seeing him wearing those before.

Rush’s wife is beautiful.
(This actress will always be beautiful)

He had them in his back pocket.

Rush is so irritable. Geez.

Dr. Franklin !!

Not so whiney.

A little turbulance

And then explode. :stuck_out_tongue:

Or at least crash. :wink:

Pretty good crash scene.

Firefly reference.

“It doesn’t hurt.”

Paradoxically, not a good sign.

At least that was a helpful suggestion from Rush. Find the gate.

These shuttle don’t come with the jaws of life I guess.