Stargate Universe 101 & 102 Air Parts 1 and 2

The perils of being a young lieutenant…substituting yelling for leading.

I love Eli saying “Save! Save!” as Rush erased the whiteboard.

For Rush, there’s only the work.

Well, at that point, no one was giving him a chance to lead. They were all having their own conversations.

Why would a senator’s young aide have clearance to know about the Stargate program anyways?

“I am Math-boy”

Rush is so rude. Can’t he say “Thank you”

He didn’t even take the food.

OK, explosions aren’t good.

All the lead characters, go through tremendous growth. One of the elements I really love about this series.

I think Greer is always angry.

And Teal’c is the only member of the original SG-1 to not appear in this episode (or Universe itself for that matter).

Sgt Greer - edgy
“Go take your anger out on them”

Because she’s his daughter and therefore special…

Fantastic music.

“Well that would have been too simple.”

And if they hadn’t gone with the whole “Wrong people” line for the show’s catchphrase, this would have been a good alternative.

I really like TJ.
Leave her alone Camile

Love all the high quality effects for the Goa’uld ships. Even better than in Continuum.

Rush is single-minded

If they have a DHD, why are they using the SGC dialing program?

Yah, this was a quality production.

They named the base Icarus? Icarus didn’t have a happy ending.