Probably no coincidence.
Yeah, but according to the Stargate Wiki, there was an Anderson Air operating out of Vancouver at the time this was filmed.
You know, it is pretty believable that Jack might do something like that if pushed far enough.
The real secret service would have tossed Kinsey in the car and gotten the hell out of dodge by now, not stopped to look around
You know, that probably would have been an even better break for the opening credits.
Would he have Secret Service protection yet? He was considered a shortlist candidate for VP, but hadn’t been announced yet, according to the news report.
Depends on his position in the food chain, the succession line, etc.
Even if it wasn’t the actual secret service, IIRC, protocol is to toss the protectee in the car, by force if necessary, and get the hell out of dodge.
Nice callback to Foothold
Yeah, Barrett, and that’s just scraping the surface of the NID’s “morally questionable” activities.
Blackmailing Kinsey is one NID action I could get behind.
No park in DC is that well maintained.
Nice idea, Sam. And sloppy of the assassin.
Now THAT was a great call back.
Nice clothesline, Teal’c.
Wait, this actor was one of the scientists on SG-U.
Love Teal’c’s interrogation technique.
thanks, I thought he looked familiar but couldn’t place him. It isn’t the same character, right?
That’s not good.
Lucky Barrett. Though hopefully he didn’t get close enough to fall victim to the Curse.
No, not the same character. And for me it was just the voice that seemed familiar.
Aww, Kinsey’s not dead.