Stargate SG-1 509 - Between Two Fires & 510 - 2001

Yeah, the name “Boren” for the Aschen liason was definitely selected just for Jack to make constant “boring” references.

Oh yeah, and speaking of the Carter Curse… :slight_smile:

“It’s a farm planet.” :smiley:

I always love the reaction from characters who are seeing the gate for the first time.

OK, that was the best transition ever.

one of these things is not like the other…

Now that’s cool.

Jack makes an alien technology shopping list :smiley:

Um yeah, iron root was surprisingly literal.

Yeah, how would it look that pastoral and normal with a whole city below them.

and will probably turn out to be sinister as well.

Partnership of equals where the farmers can’t handle “iron root”? Bullshit.

Well, we already know how the Aschen operate, so you can remove the “probably”

here’s where it’s useful to have an archaeologist on the team…

“colonel, you seem pensive.”

“no, just thinking.” :smiley:

Nice continuity with Jack being suspicious of the Aschen like he was in the other timeline.

Ugh, Kinsey.

Actually, Jack, your limo just turned onto Penn.

“What’s the future like, Colonel?”
“As far as I know it hasn’t happened yet.”

Yeah, Kinsey is an egotistical asshole (aka typical politician)

OK, Kinsey, that was just a dick move.

loved Walter’s eye roll…

I love how Molem got an “oh shit” look on his face when Boren translated.

How can Sam tell they’re dialing Earth from there?

Blatant greenscreen here, but still awesome.