Stargate SG-1 3x01 Into the Fire and 3x02 Seth

Seth looks like a Ba’al wannabe.

Nice catch.

So Daniel finishes describing Seth’s powers, an the rest of the team look at him - “Is that all you got?”

I think Michael Shanks was married to the actress at the time. Might have even been a personal photo that made sense in context.

Teal’c packing a Zat isn’t exactly low-profile.

Yeah, they’re very special forces.

“You have a very insubordinate subordinate, General.”

That scene should have ended with Jack saying “Hello Mr. President.” :wink:

OK, there we go.

Yeah, Jack doesn’t really like the ATF guy.

“Eunichs as in snippedy do dah?”

I don’t know why, The man is doing his job and isn’t incompetant.

“Snip pe de do da.” d:

Yeah, total Ba’al wannabe.

I had a similar thought.

Now, that I see him he is a Ba’al wannabe.

“So help me, if I wake up and I’m singing soprano…” :smiley:

“So help me, If I wake up and am singing suprano…”

Wouldn’t Seth have taken out the earpieces when they changed their cloths?

Where can I get an acting gig with Tapping being part of my harem?

Let me guess, the guy they zatted just happened to be the guy’s son.

Carter didn’t look like she had an ear piece…

Vancouver. Of course, she’ll also be your boss. :stuck_out_tongue: